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Pyramid Power


Events, Workshops and Festivals 

Yoga on the pier

Once it is safe to hold events again post Covid-19, these past event concepts and workshops will be back up and running. If you are interested in book one for your festival of event please get in contact.

Freedom collage
The Art of Collage


I am excited to bring you this workshop! I LOVE making collages and mood boards, I have been doing this since I was young, cutting up anything and everything to make art. I now create digital collages and I have put together a 90 min workshop to pass on these skills to anyone that is looking to create some artwork for personal or work related use. All of this WITHOUT Photoshop or professional editing programs! 


What to expect::

  • I will walk you through how to use Microsoft Word to edit images (yes it is possible)

  • iPhone editing tools

  • Resource folders and content to get you started

  • Templates for making art for Instagram formats 

  • Fonts

  • We will create a "training" image together and by the end of the workshop you will have created a master piece of your own


The class is £10

For each person that signs up I will also be planting a mangrove tree in Madagascar via re:earth.

Journey of RA
Mother Earth
Ancient Moon Egypt
Moon light
Pyramid Power


10th Jan 2020

19:00 - 21:00, Core Clapton

The mystery and meaning of the pyramids has intrigued people for centuries, join us for an evening of high vibrations and pyramid power as we replicate the Giza Plateau under 3 giant copper pyramids. In this 2 hour session Jill Urwin and Nicola Peters will guide you through archeological evidence and chat all things Ancient Egypt from their time spent walking the desert and listening to village elders.  Followed by a sonic meditation journey, complete with blue lotus tea and third eye anointment. 


This special event is designed to transport you back to the golden age and explore the ancient wisdom of Egypt. It is said that meditation in copper pyramids help us access altered states of consciousness, reaching theta and delta states in the brain, allowing us to move beyond the physical and awaken divine spiritual wisdom and guidance. 


Lets uncover the hidden secrets of the universe and channel our collective energy Ancient Egyptian style! It’s about truth, alignment, healing. 

More events on

Journey of RA
Journey of RA


December 2019

Tune in, be still, let go, and manifest powerful cosmic energy with Ancient Egyptian Yoga. Join us for yoga and meditation under a giant copper pyramid accompanied by a soundtrack of planetary vibrations.

It is believed that an ancient version of yoga was practiced in Egypt long before it found its way to India. An ancient system of physical postures for health, meditation and spiritual enlightenment are thought to have formed the origins of Hatha Yoga. Through the many myths and hieroglyphics, stories of enlightenment have been passed down through the ages, ready for us to rediscover today. Sema or Smai Tawi meaning Egyptian Yoga, are disciplines to cultivate divine consciousness, join us as we explore the ancient wisdom of Egyptian.

This space will bring the energetic powers and concepts of Ancient Egypt to life through pyramids, temples and ceremonial rituals. Under a Giza inspired copper meditation pyramid, guests will be taken through the Journey of RA yoga sequences, RA the Ancient Egyptian deity of the sun journeys from the dark underworld to the light, these flows are said to be the precursor to Sun Salutations. Ending with an Egyptian Blue Lotus tea meditation, accompanied by planetary sound vibrations to cleanse the bodies cells.

Pyramid Code


August 2019

The Curtain Hotel 

Join us for another enlightening evening of our At Home with The Ancients event series. This time we will be in conversation with Dr Carmen Boulter, director the award winning 5-part documentary series on Netflix “The Pyramid Code”.  Join SLC’s Jill Urwin and Egypt fanatic Nicola Peters in conversation with Carmen as we ask who were the ancients and what did they know? The evening will cover topics such as the pyramids and their sophisticated technology, matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and rituals, and the hidden mysteries of the temples, along with the divine feminine and the role of the goddess. Come and delve into the ancient wisdom and see where it takes you.

What to expect: Talk, Q&A

£15 per ticket 

Pyramid Code Talk
Soul Circus Festival

Yin and Sound Bath

Summer 2022

The Wild Times tent

Sunset yin and sound bath classes, 90 minutes

Drift off into altered states of consciousness, resting softly under the setting sun.

Lost Village Festival


22nd - 25th August 2019

The Energy Garden

The Energy Garden is a harmonious retreat for those seeking a little zen, quietly tucked away and surrounded by beautifully still waters. Wood-fired hot tubs, massage, holistic therapy, yoga and much more...."


If you are heading to Lost Village Festival Nicola will be teaching Syrup Yoga class Friday 23rd August at 11:30am in The Energy Garden.


Then on the following day join her for the Journey of RA sequence in The Energy Garden on Saturday 24th August at 12:45 noon.  Journey of RA yoga sequences is based on Ancient Egypt asana and myths, come along to cultivate a little divine consciousness and tap into the Ancient wisdom.

Happinez Festival


Happinez magazine came to life with a festival of inspiration, workshops, food wellness.  Nicola taught yoga and meditation sessions in the festival yoga space.

Happinez Festival Yoga
Happinez Festival Yoga
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